Our Program Areas
- Multination Corporations – The African Multinational Corporations Forum (AMCF)
- Retail Industry – The African Federation of Retail Associations (AFRA)
- Auto Industry – The African Automotive Industry Alliance (AAIA)
- Private Hospital Sector – The African Federation of Hospital Associations (AFHA)
- Energy Industry – African Federation Electrical Contractors Conference (AFECA)
- Tourism Industry – African Hospitality & Tourism conference (AHTF)
- Private Education – African Federation of Private Schools Associations (AFPSA)
- School Health – African School Health Conference (ASHA)
- Sports – African Foundation for Soccer Veterans (AFSV)
1. The African Multinational Corporations Forum (AMCF)
The African Multinational Corporations Forum (AMCF) is a nonprofit organization registered in Uganda in 2013. AMCF brings together African multinational corporations, experts, academia and related organizations to explore, review and address issues, opportunities and ideas arising from the African multinational corporations sector. AMCF provides a regional roundtable of Multinational Corporations to foster dialogues among multinational corporations, large scale enterprises, and industrial leaders who are engaged in cross-border production, trade, economic exchanges and cooperation in Africa. AMCF collaborates with African Emerging Markets Innovations (AEMI) and other regional organizations and authorities.
2. African Federation of Retail Associations (AFRA)
The African Federation of Retail Associations (AFRA) is a regional not-for-profit organization established in 2009 in Uganda. AFRA brings together retail associations in African countries. AFRA has the mission of promoting the retail industry throughout African countries and network all African retail associations.
3. African Automotive Industry Alliance (AAIA)
The African Automotive Industry Alliance (AAIA)
4. African Federation of Hospital Associations (AFHA)
African Federation of Hospital Associations (AFHA)
5. African Federation Electrical Contractors Conference (AFECA)
The African Federation of Electrical Contractors Association (AFECA) .
6. African Hospitality & Tourism conference (AHTF)
African Hospitality and Tourism Federation (AHTF) i
7. African Federation of Private Schools Associations (AFPSA)
African Federation of Private Schools Associations (AFPSA)
8. African School Health Association (ASHA)
The African Foundation for Soccer Veterans (AFSV)